What a beautiful service today for M.J. His family was there, his children, friends and fans. The most sentimental speaker was Rev. Al Sharpton when he said it Michael was not strange, what people did to him was strange. That braught me to tears because of how true it was. This world can be a great place but on the other side of the coin can be a very-very cruel and cold place too. There is only one judge and thats God. Also present were the Kings, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Usher Raymond, Kobe Bryant, Majic Johnson, Smokey Robinson and many, many more. His service could not have been anymore perfect.
If I were asked to pick my favorite M.J. song out of all of his songs to date it would be Man In The Mirror, the message was so clear with this song. No matter how many years and generations to come we can always change something about ourselves to make this world a better place. The message in this song will be one that we could all relate too. This song came out in 1988 and I can remember listening to this song, singing and dancing in front of the t.v. I was only 8 years old at the time and I understood the message Michael Jackson was expressing to the world. This song made me always wanna look into myself and stop judging others for there flaws.
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