Friday, August 12, 2011

The Fight To End World Hunger

Over the past few days I have been pondering over the newest problem thats been affecting East Africa, the fight to end World Hunger. AFFECTING More then 1 billion people. Approximatley 1/6 of the people are hungry and everyday nearly 16,000 children die of hunger or relatated causes. We have the resources to feed the world, we just need the will.
Recent reports show that The Horn of Africa is suffering from the worst drought of rainfall in over 60 years. This has resulted in a food crisis affecting 3.7 million people in Somalia and 3.5 million in Kenya. On August 3rd, 2011 the United Nations declared this famine has spread throughout three more regions of Somalia including the capital, Mogadishu. Malnutritional levels for children have soared. In many regions of Somalia, 30% to 50% of the children are malnourished. The UN estimates that 29,000 children under the age of five have already died, while 640,000 Somali children are acutely malnourished and at risk of dying, unless helped immediately!
Even while times are getting tough in the United States we still have more resources and an abundant number of ways to give back, that will not stretch your wallets. Anything given will be of great help. Sites like offers a link to give as much or little as you like. offers a meal packaging program assisting thousands of hungry families around the world. There are also other ways to help fight for this cause, even without directly giving money you can go on sites like where sponsors are donating money every day, just for clicking on the site and showing your support. The churches are also helping out through where their encouraging everyone to write to Congress and influence new policies to be made that will redirect millions of dollars to help feed millions of people and save lives. Make your voice heard and start today by speaking out on the needs of hungry and poor people.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Love L.V........

Finally got a chance to break my Las Vegas virginity and took a trip to Nevada on 5-6-2011 through 5-10-11. There was so much to do that we did not have enough time. From the time I stepped off the plane I immediatley looked around comparing notes to the glitz and glam that I had seen on t.v... At first I was a little dissapointed when the plane landed at an airport that appeared to be in the middle of the desert. But it didn't take long for me to get the excitement back when I saw the rows of slot machines inside the airport which let me know I was officially in Las Vegas.

We caught a cab to our hotel and was greeted by yet another casino. So as soon as I got my bags situated to the room I could not wait to sit down and play the slot machines that Las Vegas are infamous for. Within 15 minutes I had won $140. Another thing I got my hands on on Vegas was playing craps. This is a game not presently offered any any Florida casino so I quickly picked up the dice and became "Lady Luck".

After about 48 hours of gambling from casino to casino it was time to really get to know Las Vegas for what it was and went site seeing. You will never get to see everything in one weekend so plan your time wisely and before you leave you will be planning your next trip back, I gurantee.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Working with WPLG Local 10 news........

One of the many dreams that I have had was being on the big screen and I am sure that at one time or another everyone has shared a similar dream. Well I didn't make it on the big screen but for now t.v. will have to do. Got my chance today to do a promo video for WPLG Local Channel 10 News where I spoke about a few of the weather men like Scott Padgett and Max Mayfield who delivers the weather to us every day. And also giving feedback on the weather reports and how it affects me day to day. Some of the information I gave was impromptu, interview style question and answers. Other information was fed to me but I was able to ad-lib along the way.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the news crew entering into the studio but I was pleasantly surprised to see that everyone was friendly and super nice. Being welcomed into the studio with such a warm reception from the Weathers Director, Michael who showed me around the studio giving me the grand tour made me comfortable like I was already a part of the family... getting an introduction to the news casters and crew was an extra bonus.

This was not the first time I had been in a news station, in the past I had visited the NBC studios in New York but that being a part of a tour did not count. I also visited the WSVN channel 7 station however never going past the front lobby. This was an experience for me that will not be forgotten and serves as a reminder that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Stay focused and be great!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Breaking The Habits That Will Break You. . .

Here we are in the second month of 2011 and I know some of you are already resorting back to those bad habits from yesteryear. Well, that's not uncommon because this is the category most people fall into every year after year. The people who make a bunch of resolutions and list of things to do and change but as soon as the newness of the year wears off that list gets tossed to the side and then forgotten.

Bad habits die hard. We all have them. Whether it’s minor or life-changing, everyone has bad habits they could do without. Some might come with physical addictions, while others are simple social habits which make us look foolish or tick people off. Some bad habits might have long term health effects. What we have to do is challenge ourselves to remain true to who we are and who we want to be.

Before self-improvement happens, you have to focus on your actions. Figure out the costs of your bad habits and the reasons you started the habit in the first place. Self-analysis helps you begin to cope when you are faced with the habit the next time.

Once you know why the bad habit is a part of your life, you can start to deal with the habit itself.

1. Keep a journal of your habit.

This forces you to face your actions every day. Every time your habitual behavior “takes over”, you’ll have a record of it and force yourself to remember.

Note what your thoughts and emotions were as you were involved in the habit. This allows analysis of why you are performing this habit. This kind of self-evaluation is healthy for you.

2. Ask yourself why you enjoy the habit or why you started it in the first place.

Analyze the thought process which started the habit. Were you looking for acceptance from your peers? Was it an escape from some life condition?

Whatever the case, once you start to reason out your actions, you’ll probably find those actions don’t make logical sense. This will prepare you to change your behavior.

3. Focus on the negative repercussions of your habit.

Write these down if it helps you. What is your bad habit costing you?

Once you start to understand that you are losing out on many things do to this bad habit, this will motivate you to modify your behavior.

4. Understand the obvious benefits of dropping your habit.

There are always alternatives, and curtailing one action gives you more time for other ones.

Think about what you could be doing instead of your bad habit. Figure out positive ways to meet the same needs which were originally filled by your bad habit. Then start to practice these new habits.

5. Focus on your behavior.

Figure out how serious you are about changing the habit. Do you want to avoid the negatives of the habit or do you want to continue the habit?

6. Practice discipline in the moment.

It’s easy to tell yourself you can change your bad habit. This doesn’t matter much if you wilt in the moment of truth.

A lot of bad habits have to do with instant gratification. You know that some action isn’t good for you in the big picture or in the long term, but you want to live in the moment. You want to gratify your momentary needs. It’s hard to stay disciplined, because giving into your impulses is just so easy. Most of the time, it’s pleasurable. But when you start to perform some action you know is bad for you, you have to catch yourself. Nobody else will.

7. Getting rid of a bad habit is learning good habits.

You’ll probably replace your bad actions with something else. This may take a little getting used to, but your new life will eventually become comfortable to you and feel right.

Remember to practice patience with yourself. If you fall back into the old habit, don’t kick yourself around for it. Don’t fall into self-pity and decide you can’t beat the habit. Just get back to your healthy behavior. One time doesn’t have to turn into two and three and then a habit.

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family or fellow sufferers.

We are social creatures. People coping with the consequences of their actions draw strength from each other. It isn’t a weakness to ask for help or simply to vent about how difficult your self-improvement is.

Get comfortable talking about the habit. When you talk to others, they might be able to provide advice or encouragement that you normally wouldn’t get from yourself.

9. One final note on this subject. If your bad habit has an addictive quality to it, this is going to be a lot harder.

You might need professional help, because an addiction has a medical component to it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, New You!!!!

Thankfully we all made it through another year. With New Years, brings new beginnings. This year 2011 is filled with perfection. The first day of the year was 1-1-11 followed by 1-11-11 and then 11-1-11 and finally 11-11-11. These numbers symbolize true dates of opportunity. Numerology constantly seeks to remind us that nothing in this universe is random.

1= Extraordinary leadership skills, very ambitious, driven, goal-oriented, strong will power, courageous, unconventional, inventive, creative, original, pioneer, unique approach to problems, independent, individualistic, great potential for success.

Spiritually the number (1) = equals the sun. One primarily deals with strong will, positivity, pure energy. It reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, when we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives it indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us that our action will be rewarded.

So have a great year by taking control of your destiny, love, money, career and happiness. Learn who you really are this year and your purpose. Begin this by mastering your emotions enabling you to have more success and joy in your life. The Universe will work with you, this is based on the mathematics of Numerology.